The Title I Pre-K Program of the Public Schools of Robeson County follows a slightly different calendar than the one developed each year for grades K-12. During the month of August, teachers are preparing for the children, setting up the room, and scheduling a home visit with you, the parent or guardian. During the school year, your child’s teacher will call to schedule parent conferences to share important development progress with you periodically.
The first school day for the program will vary each year. All children will not attend school the same day during this first week, but will be assigned a day to attend so that they can get to know their environment along with a small group of other children.
There are several days during the year that the program cancels classes for the children in the program. Teachers and teacher assistants may need to participate in staff development to learn new skills, or they may need to attend early childhood conferences to network with other educators from across the state or nation. The information learned from these types of staff development is important to the progress of your child’s development. During the month of May, a week is set aside to assess children for the next year’s program. Classes may be closed for a few days during this week to allow staff to focus on getting accurate results from the children being screened.
Your child is required by law to have a physical before participating in the Title I Pre-K program. All physicals must be completed and turned in to the teacher within 30 days of the first day of school. Any parent who does not provide this information by this date is subject to having his/her child dismissed from the program until the physical/health assessment is submitted. If you have questions, please talk with the child’s teacher, the school’s nurse, or the school’s principal.
Classes for the Title I Pre-K program may end the same day as the closing of regular school. You may be asked to pick up your child on the last day of school to ensure the safe arrival of your child home. See your child’s teacher for end-of-year activities to celebrate this event such as graduation, parties, field trips, and/or theme related events.