For the safety of all children, the following guidelines are maintained by the PSRC Title I Pre-K Program:
one adult to every nine children will be maintained at all times during the school day,
parents/guardians are responsible for picking up sick children immediately when called; therefore a working, emergency phone number must be available for your child at all times,
children must be escorted to the classroom by an adult (no exceptions),
late arrivals must sign in at the school's office, then escorted to the classroom by an adult,
parents must complete, sign, and return the appropriate medical form if medicine is to be administered at school,
parents must have their health care provider complete the appropriate forms on their child,
cuts and scrapes will be treated at school using only soap, water, and a bandage,
parents are encouraged to send only nutritious meals to school (see teacher for suggestions),
children are to spend time outside as part of their regular daily schedule (if child is well enough to attend school, then the child is well enough to go outside),
parents should send children to school dressed for the weather,
children will wash hands many times during the day to keep the environment free of germs,
parents should send two towels, small sheets, or other linen for use on the child's assigned cot during nap time (one to lie on and one for cover), and
parents should wash the linens weekly and return to the school the next school day.