'Classic' Ideas That Teachers Can Use to Diversify Classroom Instruction
Some 'classic' ideas that teachers found help them to meet the unique learning needs of particular students within a busy general-education classroom.
Entertaining Ideas for Educating Students
Read on for some ideas on how to adapt common games to promote student learning, to change quiz formats to make them more enjoyable, and to introduce other classroom activities that educate students in an entertaining manner. While these strategies may appear to be designed simply to be fun, don't be misled. Each strategy has the potential to push students to take a more active role in recalling and applying previously taught academic content.
Group Response Techniques
When students respond as a group to academic content, they are actively engaged and more likely to learn the material being taught. Just as important, the teacher can observe student responses to get immediate feedback about whether the majority of students in the class are truly understanding the academic content. Here are two group-response techniques (Heward, 1996).
Instructional Hierarchy: Stages of Learning
When mastering new academic skills or strategies, the student learner typically advances through a predictable series of learning stages. At the start, a student is usually halting and uncertain as he or she tries to use the target skill. With teacher feedback and lots of practice, the student becomes more fluent, accurate, and confident in using the skill. It can be very useful to think of these phases of learning as a hierarchy (See chart below). The learning hierarchy (Haring, Lovitt, Eaton, & Hansen, 1978) has four stages: acquisition, fluency, generalization, and adaptation.
Introducing Academic Strategies to Students: A Direct-Instruction Approach
This framework includes four major stages: (1) you explicitly show students how to use the skill or strategy, (2) students practice the skill under your supervision--and you give frequent corrective feedback and praise, (3) students use the skill independently in real academic situations, and (4) students use the skill in a variety of other settings or situations ("generalization").
Reducing Problem Behaviors Through Good Academic Management: 10 Strategies
Ten research-based ideas on academic management that no teacher of difficult-to-manage students should be without!
Student 'Help' Signal
The help-signal is a flexible procedure that the student can use to get teacher assistance during independent seatwork. It allows the student to signal the teacher unobtrusively for help while continuing to work productively on alternative assignments.
Teacher Strategies to Promote Learning
Some teacher strategies that research indicates can be very effective in helping struggling learners to successfully master new academic skills.