As the SAT approaches, here are some tips that will help you to do your best on test day. Also, you may find it helpful to download the Student Checklist. Also, you may find it helpful to download the Student Checklist.
Get organized:
Make sure you have two No. 2 pencils and a soft eraser. A No. 2 pencil is required to answer the essay and the multiple-choice questions. Mechanical pencils are not allowed. Pens are not allowed.
Have your SAT Admission Ticket and acceptable photo ID ready. You will need your Admission Ticket and photo ID for admission to the test center.
SAT Admission Ticket: Acceptable Photo ID:
Check your calculator and put fresh batteries in it. You will need a scientific or graphing calculator for the SAT Reasoning Test(TM).
Calculator Policy: Phone & Electronic Device Policy:
Locate a watch to take with you. You can use a watch that has no audible alarm to time yourself -- separate timers are not allowed.
Prepare snacks to bring with you. You may stow food and drinks under your chair or desk and consume them outside the testing room during breaks. A healthy snack will go a long way in keeping you alert during the entire test.
Prepare yourself like an athlete:
Get plenty of sleep the night before the test. Your brain will work better if you are rested.
Eat a good breakfast that morning.
Leave your cell phone at home. Don't run the risk of having your phone ring during testing. It could cost you your scores! We strongly advise you not to bring a cell phone or any other prohibited electronic device to the test center. If your phone makes noise, or you are seen using it at any time (including breaks), you may be dismissed immediately,your scores may be canceled, and the phone may be confiscated. This policy also applies to any other prohibited digital and electronic devices such as BlackBerrys, pagers, PDAs, cameras or other photographic equipment, or separate timers of any kind.
Getting to the Center:
In bad weather, check to see if your test center is open. Tune into your local media (as you do for school closing announcements) to make sure that your test center has not been affected. You can also visit the website starting on Friday evening for a list of test center closings.
Leave early. Unless otherwise noted on your Admission Ticket, arrive at the test center no later than 7:45 a.m. Plan enough extra time in case traffic, weather conditions, flat tires, or anything else slows you down.
Arrange your ride home ahead of time. Testing should be completed between 12:30 and 1 p.m.
Go to the center indicated on your Admission Ticket. Even if it's not your first choice, you are only guaranteed admission to the test center listed on your Admission Ticket. Seating may be limited at other test centers, and you will be charged an extra fee for
changing test centers.
Make sure you use a No. 2 pencil. You must fill in the entire circle darkly and completely. If you change your response, erase it as completely as possible. It is very important that you follow these instructions when filling out your answer sheet.
Keep Focused:
Use breaks to eat or drink any snacks you have brought with you. You will have several breaks during testing. Use them to relax and eat a snack, so you can stay alert.
Pace yourself during the test. Remember, each question counts the same. If you find yourself spending too much time on one question, move on to the next question.
What to expect on test day.
What to bring to the test.
We wish you all the best on test day!