Classroom Guidance: Class guidance is a planned, sequential program of learning experiences designed to foster the personal-social, academic and career development of all students. The program consists of a variety of activities, strategies, and interventions.
Individual Counseling: Individual counseling provides a confidential setting where students are assisted in examining and understanding feelings, attitudes, concerns, and behaviors. Students work in this setting to explore decision options and make decisions based on fully discovering the pros and cons of each option. Generally, the school counselor treats information received from a client as private and confidential. The school counselor has an ethical responsibility to report and refer a case when the client or some other individuals welfare is in jeopardy.
Group Counseling: A group counseling intervention is a planned, developmental program of guidance activities designed to foster students academic, career, and personal, social development. In group counseling, a school counselor generally works with two or more students together. Group size usually ranges from five to eight members.
Parents of group members are made aware of the purpose of the group and provide written permission for their child to participate. In the case of middle school and high school students, parents should be made aware of which classes may be missed and how frequently.
The school counselor established and maintains group rules such as being sensitive to the feelings of other group members, being a good listener, and not being critical or sarcastic about the contributions of other members.
The school counselor established specific goals for each session and facilitates purposeful goal oriented discussion.
Information from North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
American School Counselor Associations National Standards for School Counseling Programs-Provides a framework for the program components, the school counselors role in implementation and the underlying philosophies of leadership, advocacy and systemic change (State Board of Education Department of Public Instruction).
American School Counselor Association Parent Information
NC Comprehensive School Counseling Standard Course of Study and Guidance Curriculum