LUMBERTON – The executive director of Transformation at the Public Schools of Robeson County has been selected to take part in the North Carolina School Superintendents' Association’s Aspiring Superintendent Program Cohort VII.
“The program is designed to support the growth, expansion and enhancement of school and district leaders in the leadership positions they currently occupy while providing high-quality professional development to increase their knowledge base about the skills and dispositions needed by future superintendents,” said Jack Hoke, executive director of the North Carolina School Superintendents' Association in a statement published on
No more than one individual per district was eligible for consideration and the slots were divided among the state's eight regions.
This opportunity will allow Dr. Dorsey-Carr to participate in active learning experiences, gain insights from respected practitioners about how to be an effective leader, and continue to leverage her position as an executive director of Transformation to change students' lives in the district.
In her current role with the district, Dr. Dorsey-Carr works closely with PSRC leaders to support the improvement of schools in the district.
The NCSSA’s Aspiring Superintendent Program will give Dr. Dorsey-Carr a better understanding of the district superintendent's role and how to perform more effectively in her current role.
“As noted by Mike Schmoker in “Results Now,” ‘Why not us? Why not now?’ I am fully committed to doing any work required of me to continue to build my skill set and allow me to have an even more significant impact on the students in our community and district,” Dr. Dorsey-Carr said.
Program sessions will be conducted at the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Offices in Durham and will consist of six days of training plus executive coaching.
“The Public Schools of Robeson County is grateful for the leadership of Dr. Windy Dorsey-Carr,” said PSRC Superintendent Dr. Freddie Williamson.
“Her strong work ethic and commitment to the education of children across the school district is evident. We would like to congratulate her on her placement in the program and we look forward to the new insights and leadership tools she will bring to the table to help us accomplish our educational goals for all children in the Public Schools of Robeson County,” he said.