Child Reading

TumbleBook Library Premium is a collection of TumbleBooks  (animated, talking picture books) with fiction, non-fiction and foreign language titles, Math Stories, Read-Alongs (chapter books with sentence highlighting and narration but no animation), Videos (from National Geographic), TumbleTV which consists of pre-set playlists of a sequence of books, Tumble Puzzles & Games, and TumbleResources for teachers and students. TumbleBooks are created from existing picture books which we have licensed from children's book publishers and converted to the TumbleBook format.

In the past 12 months, 28,378 books have been read by PSRC K-5 students.  January 2021 - 1,675, February - 1352, March 537.

Click the banner above below to access the Tumblebook Library

Tumblebook Library