pen on a booklet in foreground,

Student transfer requests for the upcoming school year will be accepted until April 1, 2025.

 Notification regarding requests will be sent in mid to late June. Transfer requests with incomplete mailing addresses will NOT be mailed and will result in a significant delay in notification.  (We ask that you not call to confirm receipt of online transfers.)

Students granted a transfer and fail to enroll in a timely manner, or withdraw from the school will have their approval revoked.  Any transfer that is approved based upon false or misleading information will be declared void, and the transfer will be rescinded. Student transfers can be denied for the following reasons:  1) admission of the student would cause overcrowding of classes; 2) admission of the student would cause the school to hire additional personnel; 3) the student's prior attendance record; 4) the student's prior conduct record; and 5) other lawful reasons determined by the principal.

For multiple students/siblings:  a separate application form must be submitted for each student requesting a transfer.  All requests will be considered individually. There is no automatic approval of transfer requests for siblings.  There is also no guarantee that requests for multiple siblings will be approved at the same time.

Questions regarding athletic eligibility can be addressed by contacting the requested school's athletic director or the PSRC Athletic Director. The county athletic director is Mr. Glenn Patterson and can be contacted via email at

2025-2026 Student Transfers Request Form