BOE Meeting Highlights

PSRC Board of Education Meeting Highlights

June 11, 2024


🤝PSRC Athletic Director Glenn Patterson recognized outstanding athletes and sports teams as part of End-of-Year Sports Recognitions presented at the meeting. For a full list of athletes recognized, visit:

🤝Dr. Ron Hargrave, Executive Director of the Sandhills Regional Education Consortium, also recognized PSRC Superintendent Dr. Freddie Williamson as the 2024-2025 Regional Superintendent of the Year for the Sandhills Region.

“Again, Dr. Williamson, there are many accolades that could be shared with you. You have exemplified outstanding leadership over the course of your career,” Dr. Hargrave said. “He truly does understand that leadership does matter and it’s not about fame or glory, but it’s about the success of students.”

“I always start with thanking God who makes everything possible. Dr. Hargrave, thank you so much for your leadership in the Sandhills Region. Thank you for your friendship and to my peers who saw it to do this and to this wonderful, wonderful board,” Williamson said. “It is an honor to represent the Sandhills Region and the Public Schools of Robeson County at the next level.”

Dr. Williamson will move on to the state-level competition for the A. Craig Phillips State Superintendent of the Year Award along with the remaining seven region representatives.

🤝PSRC Board of Education Chairman Randy Lawson, who represents District 7, and At-Large Board Member William Gentry were presented awards for their service on the board. Lawson was recognized for his 12 years of service and Gentry for his four years of service on the board.

“This has truly been one of the highlights of my life. As an educator in the Public Schools of Robeson County for 30 years, I had the privilege of serving in that capacity and of course now, I have had the honor and privilege of serving on our Board of Education for 4 years,” Gentry said.

Board members described Gentry as a team player, a great asset on the board and someone who was truly dedicated to the work and duties of a board member and PSRC Board of Education Policy Committee Chairman.

Randy was described by board members as an exceptional leader, friend and board member.

Lawson shared remarks and reflected on his time as a board member and shared his journey of navigating a health scare at the start of his tenure on the board.

“It’s not an easy job,” Lawson said. “... I thank God every day for His mercy, grace and love.”

🤝Bobby Locklear, PSRC Assistant Superintendent of Auxiliary Services, also recognized 17 PSRC schools whose cafeteria staff earned a 100% sanitation rating.

For a full list of schools recognized, click:


✅ Lee Grissom, of S. Preston Douglas and Associates, shared with PSRC Board members that the school district received a clean audit for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Board members voted to accept the audit, which was turned in to the Local Government Commission this past week and approved.

Also approved was:

📌 The 2024-2025 schedule of PSRC Board of Education meetings (Linked here:

📌 CTE Plan 2024-2025

📌 Spring Policy Updates (also policies 3620 and 2120)

📌 Granting a permanent easement to NCDOT at Kahn Drive

📌 Transportation Contracts

📌 The Personnel Report

📌 A recommendation to appoint Matthew Locklear as principal at Pembroke Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year. Locklear served most recently as principal at the Learning Acceleration Program/ Robeson Alternative School for the 2023-2024 school year.

📌 A recommendation to appoint John Collins as principal at the Learning Acceleration Program/ Robeson Alternative School for the 2024-2025 school year. Collins served most recently as assistant principal at Shining Stars Preschool in Pembroke.