Purpose: To gather input and feedback to develop an educational services plan for students with disabilities enrolled in private schools for the 2024-2025 school year
The Public Schools of Robeson County is applying for funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), for the upcoming school year.
IDEA requires local schools to work with private school representatives and parents of private school children with disabilities to create special education and related services for the next school year for Pre-K through 12th grade.
All private school representatives and parents of homeschooled students are receiving this communication, as homeschools are considered private schools in North Carolina. Furthermore, the Public Schools of Robeson County are obliged by the IDEA to identify, evaluate and provide special education services to all children with disabilities attending private schools within the county, with funding allocated proportionally from Title VI, Part B funds.
The district is looking for assistance from private school representatives and homeschooling parents, and a consulting work group meeting has been scheduled for:
WHEN: Monday April 29, 2024
WHERE: The Janie C. Hargrave Complex at the Public Schools of Robeson County Board of Education
TIME: 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Blue Conference Room