A coordinated school health program model consists of eight interactive components. Schools by themselves cannot, and should not be expected to, address the nation’s most serious health and social problems. Families, health care workers, the media, religious organizations, community organizations that serve youth, and young people themselves also must be systematically involved. However, schools could provide a critical facility in which many agencies might work together to maintain the well-being of young people.
Healthy School Environment
The physical and aesthetic surroundings and the psychosocial climate and culture of the school can affect student and staff self-esteem and health as well as students’ academic achievement. Factors that influence the physical environment include the school building and the area surrounding it, any biological or chemical agents that are detrimental to health, and physical conditions such as temperature, noise, and lighting. The psychological environment includes the physical, emotional, and social conditions that affect the well-being of students and staff.
A healthy school environment supports learning and contributes to students’ health by minimizing distractions that either threatens their mental or physical wellbeing. The environment should also promote expectations that all students can succeed. Policies and programs to meet the needs of students and staff must support these environments.