Photo of students using the computer lab.

Courses Offered in our Middle Grades:

Computer Science Discoveries

Exploring Business and Entrepreneurship


Photo of an agriculture activity.

Agricultural Education provides students with the opportunity to participate in coordinated group and individual instructional activities that are focused on preparation for future careers in agriculture. The agricultural education program is designed to develop technical, leadership, and management expertise needed by middle and high school students preparing for careers in agricultural occupations and to further education in an agriculturally-related field.

Agriculture encompasses various elements of the food, fiber, and natural resource systems. Agricultural employment is broadly defined to include careers that require agricultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed in producing, managing, processing, marketing, distributing, regulating, or protecting any of the renewable resources. Formal instruction may also be provided for out-of-school youth and adults who wish to upgrade their agricultural skills and knowledge.

Courses Offered:

  • Foundations of Agriscience (Honors)

  • Agriculture Mechanics I (Honors)

  • Agriculture Mechanics II (Honors)

  • Agriculture Mechanics II - Small Engines (Honors)

  • Animal Science I (Honors)

  • Animal Science II (Honors)

  • Animal Science II - Small Animal (Honors)

  • CTE Advanced Studies

  • CTE Internship

  • Foods & Nutrition I (Honors)

  • Foods & Nutrition II (Honors)

  • Food Science & Technology (Honors)

  • Horticulture I (Honors)

  • Horticulture II (Honors)

  • Horticulture II - Landscaping (Honors)

  • Natural Resources I (Honors)

  • Natural Resources II (Honors)

  • Sustainable Agricultural Production I (Honors)

  • Sustainable Agricultural Production II (Honors)

  • Veterinary Assisting (Honors)


Collage of photos.

Business Finance and Marketing Education is a broad, comprehensive curriculum at the high school level that provides students with meaningful instruction for and about business. Instruction in Business Education encompasses business skills and techniques, an understanding of basic economics, and business attitudes essential to participate in the international marketplace as productive workers and consumers.

The public schools of North Carolina have a responsibility to provide a competent, business-literate, and skilled workforce. Business Education is critical to this process! Business Education is for every student because it is designed to integrate business and computer technology skills into the high school curriculum. Therefore, a Business Education course should be part of the curriculum for each student. Business Education has relevance and helps young adults to manage their own financial affairs and make intelligent consumer and business-related choices.

Courses Offered:

  • Business Essentials

  • Business Management I (Honors)

  • Business Management II (Honors)

  • CTE Advanced Studies

  • CTE Internship

  • Computer Science I (Honors)

  • Computer Science II (Honors)

  • Entrepreneurship I (Honors)

  • Entrepreneurship II (Honors)

  • Financial Planning I (Honors)

  • Financial Planning II (Honors)

  • Project Management I (Honors)

  • Project Management II - Global (Honors)


Photo of a woman in a desk.

Career development is comprised of those programs, services, and activities which result in the development and implementation of an appropriate Career Development Plan (CDP) for each workforce development enrollee. Organizationally, career development has two components: instructional courses and career development services.

Course Offered:

Career Management (Honors)



Family and Consumer Sciences Education prepares for careers working with individuals and families, as well as for competence in the work of their own families. The concept of work, whether in a family or career, is central to the program area. The program's unique focus is on families, work, and their interrelationships. Family and Consumer Sciences Education prepares individuals for family and career.

Family and Consumer Sciences Education is founded on six distinct core areas. The areas are:

  • Consumer Education and Resource Management

  • Family and Interpersonal Relationships

  • Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness

  • Interiors, Housing, and Design

  • Human Development and Parenting Education

  • Textiles, Apparel, and Fashion

Developmentally appropriate courses incorporate these six core areas, as well as academic integration and workplace applications, to prepare students to successfully manage individual, family, work, and community roles. Examples of workplace applications include basic skills, thinking skills, and personal qualities. Ultimately, students prepare to enter paid employment and to advance within a career with additional training and/or education.

Courses Offered:

  • Apparel & Textile Production I (Honors) - Only at Lumberton Sr High & Purnell Swett High

  • Apparel & Textile Production II (Honors) - Only at Lumberton Sr High & Purnell Swett High

  • CTE Advanced Studies

  • CTE Internship

  • Culinary Arts & Hospitality I (Honors)

  • Culinary Arts & Hospitality II (Honors)

  • Culinary Arts & Hospitality III (Honors)

  • Foods & Nutrition I (Honors)

  • Foods & Nutrition II (Honors)


Photo of some medical professionals.

Based on natural and social sciences, the humanities, and a researched body of knowledge, the curriculum is designed to offer a foundation of knowledge and skills necessary to health career preparation. Curriculum concepts incorporate technological advances related to the health care delivery system, including ethics, professionalism, prevention (wellness), patient/client diagnosis, treatment, care, and rehabilitation as a result of disease/disorders. Teaching/learning strategies integrate appropriate workplace basic skills that assist students to use resources and technologies, function as effective members within a complex system, and to access and use appropriate information/data.

Guiding students to make relevant connections between abstract theories and concrete applications is emphasized throughout the curriculum. This is especially practiced through team teaching with health professionals and on-site practicums (preceptorships/internships).

Opportunities for expanded leadership, management, technical, and citizenship development are available through membership in a co-curricular student organization, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). The organization includes local, regional, state, and national levels. Activities integrate curriculum competencies and objectives. Healthy competition through organized and judged skill events assists in strengthening those skills that make students more marketable as potential health care workers. Interaction with health professionals also guides members in the selection of health careers. HOSA seeks to instill an attitude of pride, commitment, and professionalism in its members, and strives to build self-esteem and confidence.

Courses Offered:

  • CTE Advanced Studies

  • CTE Internship

  • Foundations of Health Science (Honors)

  • Health Science I (Honors)

  • Health Science II (Honors)

  • Nursing Fundamentals (Honors)

  • Public Health Fundamentals (Honors) - Only at Fairmont High


Photo of a clothes salesperson.

The purpose of the Marketing Education instructional program is to prepare students for advancement in marketing and management careers and/or future studies in two-year technical/community colleges or four-year colleges or universities. Marketing is a vast and diverse discipline. It encompasses activities within production, as well as aspects of consumption. It is as specific as procedures for inventory control and, at the same time, as general as the creativity needed in effective promotion. The function of marketing occurs in all industries. Application of skills in reading, writing, mathematics, problem-solving, and critical thinking are found throughout the curriculum.

Based upon the National Curriculum Framework and National Skill Standards, courses in Marketing Education provide students with essential skills necessary to succeed in the workplace. The basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics are an integral part of the Marketing Education curriculum. Skills in academic and technical areas are combined with the use of technology to provide students the foundation our business and industry leaders demand. Emphasis is placed on the development of competence in marketing functions and foundations, economic foundations and human resource foundations, to create a well-rounded education, therefore enabling students to pursue further education in their chosen marketing career.

Courses Offered:

  • CTE Advanced Studies

  • CTE Internship

  • Entrepreneurship I (Honors)

  • Entrepreneurship II (Honors)

  • Hospitality & Tourism Management I (Honors)

  • Hospitality & Tourism Management II (Honors)

  • Marketing I (Honors)

  • Marketing II (Honors)

  • Sales I (Honors)

  • Sales II (Honors)

  • Sports & Event Marketing I (Honors)

  • Sports & Event Marketing II (Honors)


Photo of a production facility.

Trade, Technology, Engineering and Industrial Education is a secondary program designed to prepare students for careers in public service, industry, and the trade occupations through a sequence of learning experiences. Instructional units are provided in the use of layout, design, production, processes, assembly, quality control, maintenance, and service of industrial, commercial, and residential goods and products.

As a component of workforce development education, Trade, Technology, Engineering and Industrial Education provides students the opportunity to advance in a wide range of trade and industrial occupations by preparing them for initial employment, further education at the community college or university level, and/or business ownership. The major industrial areas are construction, manufacturing, transportation, communication, and public services. A balanced program of classroom study and practical work experiences produces competent workers who can manage resources, work cooperatively, organize and use information, understand complex systems, and apply appropriate technology. Cooperative education, internship, and apprenticeship experiences are available through the Trade and Industrial Education program.

Opportunities to develop and apply interpersonal leadership, social, civic, and business-related skills are provided through SkillsUSA, the vocational student organization for Trade, Technology, Engineering and Industrial Education students. As an integral part of the Trade, Technology, Engineering and Industrial Education program, SkillsUSA activities enhance classroom instruction through leadership and teamwork activities. These activities directly relate to the major objectives of the Trade, Technology, Engineering and Industrial Education.

Courses Offered:

  • Adobe Video Design (Honors)

  • Adobe Visual Design (Honors)

  • Automotive Service Fundamentals (Honors)

  • Automotive Service I (Honors)

  • Automotive Service II (Honors)

  • Carpentry I (Honors)

  • Carpentry II (Honors)

  • Cisco Network Engineering Technology I (Honors)

  • Cisco Network Engineering Technology II (Honors)

  • CompTIA IT Fundamentals (Honors)

  • Computer Engineering Technology I (Honors)

  • Computer Engineering Technology II (Honors)

  • Construction Core (Honors)

  • CTE Advanced Studies

  • CTE Internship

  • Cyber Security I (Honors)

  • Cyber Security II (Honors)

  • Drafting I (Honors)

  • Drafting II - Engineering (Honors)

  • Drafting II - Architecture I (Honors)

  • Electrical Trades I (Honors)

  • Electrical Trades II (Honors)

  • Emergency Medical Technology I (Honors)

  • Emergency Medical Technology II (Honors)

  • Firefighter Technology I (Honors)

  • Firefighter Technology II (Honors)

  • HVAC I


  • Masonry I (Honors)

  • Masonry II (Honors)

  • Network Security

  • Pharmacy Technician

  • Plumbing I (Honors)

  • Plumbing II (Honors)

  • Public Safety I (Honors)

  • Public Safety II (Honors)

  • Welding I (Honors)

  • Welding II (Honors)