📞 910-671-6000, Ext. 3323
Our District
📞 910-671-6000, Ext. 3323
All schools in the Public Schools of Robeson County will implement and sustain a strong core instructional program and a systematic process for implementing interventions for students in need of tiered support in the areas of academic, behavioral, social & emotional, and attendance. All educators within the PSRC believe in supporting the needs of the whole child.
To ensure that ALL students learn at grade level or higher and are prepared for college or the workforce after high school.
All children can learn;
Every student is everybody’s responsibility;
Leadership is vital;
Parents have vast knowledge about their children and should be partners in the educational system;
Improving the effectiveness of core instruction is basic to this process;
Student performance is influenced most by the quality of the instruction and interventions we deliver and how well we deliver them, not preconceived notions about child characteristics;
The best educational strategy is the one that works;
The effectiveness of any educational strategy must be evaluated frequently;
Decisions are best made with data; and
Assessment (data) should both inform and evaluate the impact of instruction/intervention.
Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a school improvement framework that encompasses academic, behavioral, attendance, and social & emotional instruction and support. MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem-solving to maximize growth for ALL.
Every student enters school healthy and learns to practice a healthy lifestyle.
Every student learns in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe.
Every student actively learns, connects with their school, and engages in their broader community.
Every student has access to personalized learning and support from qualified, caring adults.
Every student is challenged academically and prepared for success in college or with further employment and participation in a global environment.