Can my child come to school ill?
Children who are ill, with or without a temperature, or who are unable to participate in regular activities may not return until their temperature has been normal for a minimum of 24 hours, and the child is able to participate in regular activities. Infectious illnesses such as the Flu, Pink Eye, Strep Throat, etc or symptoms such as fever over 100°, vomiting, severe coughing or diarrhea will require removal of the child from the program.
If a child becomes ill while he/she is in our care, parents will be notified and asked to come immediately and pick up their child. Until parents arrive, ill children will be separated from the other children. An alternate plan for your child must be established by parents if they are unable to pick up a sick child or if they cannot be reached by telephone during the work day. This plan must be given to the staff who will keep it on file at the center.
The child may return to the center when it has been more than 24 hours since they were symptom free or with a written documentation from a health care professional stating the child is not contagious and can attend the center.
If there exists legal documentation related to custody of minors, we must have a copy of your custody papers on file. If at any time you feel that a problem of abduction may occur, we need to have knowledge of this in the school office. This is the only way we can be of any help in preventing this from happening at school. If you are a grandparent, foster parent, or kinship care guardian, with legal custody of a child(ren), we need a copy of the records on file. These files must be updated yearly.
In the event that you do not want your child’s photo and/ or a video of your child taken on the school bus, on school grounds, in school buildings, at school activities, or school sports events released without your prior consent, you must so notify your school’s principal in writing no later than the end of the 10th school day after the beginning of school, not counting intermediate weekends or holidays. If you do not object to the release of your child’s photo and/or a video of your child that is taken on a school bus, on school grounds, in school buildings, at school activities, or at school sporting events by the school no action is necessary.
Who provides the diapers for the programs?
Parents/Guardians will provide diapers or pull-ups for their child.
The staff will notify the parent a day or two in advance, through a written note or phone call, when additional diapers, pull-ups are needed.
Wipes will be provided by the center.
School Book Bag Policy
The Public Schools of Robeson County School Board has developed a policy regarding book bags.Students are requested to bring only clear or nylon mesh-type book bags to school.Failure to comply to this policy could result in confiscation of item, parent conference, or suspension.
Keep a Sick Child at Home if You See the Following:
Fever - This is one symptom that automatically rules out school, no questions. (Anywhere from 100 to 101 degrees or higher is the usual guideline used by most schools.) Your sick child should be fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours before you send him back to school.
Diarrhea - This could be a sign of a viral infection, so it’s best to keep your child at home. It’s also important to keep rehydrating him with an oral rehydrating solution when he has diarrhea, and the best way to do that is by keeping him at home.
Vomiting - Aside from the fact that your child won’t be comfortable, he could vomit again. Keep him home until he has gone 24 hours without throwing up although some parents and doctors say it’s fine to send a child to school if he hasn’t vomited since the night before.
Cough - This depends on how severe the cough is. Coughs can spread the infection to other students. A serious cough can also keep a child from getting a good night’s rest, which means he’ll be too tired for school in the morning. As a general rule, if your child has a serious cough, particularly if it’s accompanied by breathing troubles, call your doctor and keep him home. But if it’s just a mild cough and he has no other symptoms, he can probably go to school.
Rashes - Skin rashes could be a sign of a contagious infection, such as impetigo. You should have a rash evaluated by a doctor before sending your child to school.
Pinkeye- (conjunctivitis) - This infection can quickly and easily spread from one child to another, as many parents of grade-school age children already know all too well. Keep your child home until the doctor says he is no longer contagious.