Robeson Planetarium and Science Center

Superintendent Dr. Freddie Williamson

Director Ken Brandt

Address: 100 Hargrave St. Lumberton, NC 28358

Phone: (910)671-6000, x3382

Contact email:

Upcoming Public Events:

 The Robeson Planetarium is offering three public programs featuring Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance, a production all about the search for habitable locations for finding possible life on Mars. This program is offered free of charge on Saturday, January 25th, at Noon, 1:00, and 2:00 pm. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 671-6000, x3382. Leave a message with your name, the number in your party, and what program time you’re interested in.

Fine-tuning visits to the planetarium: insider hints for teachers-Have students down student questions on 3x5 cards, or something like that in dark ink, legibly. This way, I can answer student questions anonymously for those who are shy. I've done the research: there are 5x more unique interactions (more students asking questions), and deeper level questioning is 11x greater in those groups that have pre-written questions, vs. those who don't.

Also, there is greater diversity in the questioners-more females ask questions than those groups who haven't pre-written questions.

blue star museums logo

Science center exhibit

One of 7 interactive kiosks in the science center

Photo of Ken, Bill, and Marvin.

astronaut Bill McArthur, center, with Ken Brandt, along with Marvin, NASA's full scale Mars rover model.

Track Ingenuity and Perseverance on Mars:

Please note that our schedule is subject to change, as current events in space science dictate.

For school groups: 35 students and 3 adults can be comfortably seated indoors.


  • Weather: here is a link for our own clear sky clock. See whether it'll be clear or cloudy here in SE NC.