This is a message to inform you that final exams begin tomorrow Thursday January 19th. The exam schedule is as follows:
First Period tomorrow Thursday January 19th, Second Period Friday January 20th, Third Period Monday January 23rd, Fourth Period Tuesday January 24th
School will release each day at 1:30 pm once all exams are complete; therefore, there will not be any sign outs at all. Once again there will not be any sign outs for any reason. If you have an appointment cancel it or call the school to try an reschedule your exam because we will not be signing students out. Please do not call or come expecting to sign students out. We need to keep and protect our exam time. Students are getting out early so they can wait until 1:30pm. Also, it is imperative that your child takes their exam. Parents we need your help in making sure they are here. If students are absent someone will be calling. Students are not allowed to come to school in pajamas or any other sleep wear. I look forward to seeing everyone and remember to get a good nights sleep.
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and students,
Bus 29 (aka bus 82) will be delayed this morning. The route will start after 7:30. Remember that exams begin tomorrow!
Have a great day.
PSRC students in grades 11-12 can soon earn free college credit while in high school through the Career and College Promise Program at Robeson Community College. Registration is now open and will remain open through the first week of classes. Courses will begin on Jan. 30. Students should contact their school counselor to register or learn more! Los estudiantes de PSRC en los grados 11-12 pronto podrán obtener créditos universitarios gratuitos mientras estén en la escuela secundaria a través del Programa de Promesa de Carrera y Universidad en Robeson Community College. La inscripción ya está abierta y permanecerá abierta durante la primera semana de clases. Los cursos comenzarán el 30 de enero. ¡Los estudiantes deben comunicarse con su consejero escolar para registrarse u obtener más información!
This is a message to inform you that we are not allowed to sign students out over the phone. This is not a safe practice as we can’t verify the person on the phone as the parent or guardian. Past experiences have proven this is a bad and unsafe practice. I will be held accountable if something happens to a child after we released them without proper permission. I will not take that chance. Signatures of parents, guardians or individuals on a students’ contact list are required to sign students out of school. This information is listed in the student handbook on page 33.
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and students,
Bus 407 will be second load am & pm the rest of this week.
Thank you and have a great night.
This is a message from PSHS,
Bus 29 will also be second load this morning. We apologize for such the late notice.
Thank you and have a great day.
This is a message from PSHS,
Bus 407 is second load beginning after 7:30.
Have a great day.
📢 BREAKING NEWS: Applications are now open for the 2023-2024 school year at PSRC Early College High School!
📝 Apply today!
💻 Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, February 28th, 2023.
🔗 Click the following link to apply
➡️ For more information about the school, check out the following video featuring a word from the principal, tour of the school and more:
📱To speak to someone for additional information, call the school at (910) 737-5232.
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and Students,
Bus 359 was second load this morning and it began 15 mins ago.
Thanks and have a great day!
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and Students,
Bus 359 was second load this morning and it began 15 mins ago.
Thanks and have a great day!
High School Seniors, the time to apply for scholarships is now! Are you interested in becoming an educator? If so, you can apply for a scholarship through the Brave Scholars Program with UNC-Pembroke! The deadline to apply is January 27, 2023! Through the program, students can gain support in becoming a teacher and receive a wealth of knowledge from UNCP. To apply or learn more, visit
The “Ask a Healthcare Professional” themed PSRC District Family Night Event is scheduled to take place Jan. 19 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Southeastern Agricultural Center located at 1027 US-74 Alt, Lumberton, NC 28358. This event is made possible through a partnership with Alliance for a Healthier Generation. This Healthcare Family and Community Engagement forum will give parents, guardians, and students the opportunity to ask various healthcare professionals self-care-related questions, and vaccine-related questions, as well as the ability to learn more about required and recommended school vaccines. Please be sure to register by January 16, 2023. Register by clicking the following link:
This is a message from PSHS,
Welcome back!! We apologize for the late message but bus 82 aka 29 is second load which began around 7:30 this morning.
Thank you and have a great day.
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and Students,
The last day of school before winter break will be tomorrow. School will release at 1pm. Parents please make arrangements for your children to be picked up on time and that someone is home to receive them. Break will be from Dec 19 to Jan 3.
Thank you and have a great night.
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and students,
Bus 385 will be second load tomorrow AM and PM. Friday it will be a second load in the morning but run on time in the afternoon.
Thank you and have a great night
This is a message form PSHS,
Parents and students,
We apologize for the inconvenience but bus 29 never ran it's route. Those who are unable to get to school, please contact your teachers and inform them of the situation.
Thank you and have a great day.
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and students,
We apologize for the late notice but bus 29 will not start until 7:50 AM.
Thank you and have a great day.
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and students,
Bus 385 will be second load starting after 7:30 this morning.
Thanks and have a great day !
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and Students,
The last day of school before winter break is this friday. School will release at 1pm. Parents please make arrangements for your children to be picked up on time and that someone is home to receive them. Break will be from Dec 19 to Jan 3. Any questions please contact Ms. Hancock.
Thank you and have a great night.
This is a message from PSHS,
Parents and Students,
The last day of school before winter break is this friday. School will release at 1pm. Parents please make arrangements for your children to be picked up on time and that someone is home to receive them. Break will be from Dec 19 to Jan 3. Any questions please contact Ms. Hancock.
Thank you and have a great night.