Attention Parkton Families: We will have a home softball/baseball game against Orrum on Wednesday 4/13 at 4:00. Come out and support our Bruins and don’t forget about concessions!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Tuesday, 4/12 Soccer Game @ Pembroke Park vs Prospect
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Spring Break is coming up! Half in person/asynchronous day on Friday 4/15. Dismissal will be at 11:30. No school from Monday, 4/18- Friday 4/22.
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Spring Break
Congratulations to our soccer team on their 2-1 victory against St. Pauls!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Congratulations to our Lady Bruins on their 19-3 victory against Lumberton Jr!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Pre-K registration has been extended to April 15th! Don’t forget to sign your student up!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Thursday, 4/7 Rescheduled Soccer Game at Pembroke Park vs St Pauls
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Soccer Game
We have many wonderful hardworking students that we would like to acknowledge for their work during Quarter 3! Please click the link to watch our Q3 Awards!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Congratulations to our soccer team on their victory!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Congratulations to our Softball Team on their victory!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Congratulations to our April Employees of the Month! Thanks for all you do for Parkton!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
April EOTM
Attention Parkton Families: We will have a home softball/baseball game against Lumberton Jr on Wednesday 4/6 at 4:00. Come out and support our Bruins and don’t forget about concessions!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Home Softball/Baseball Game
Tuesday, 4/5 Soccer Game at Northeast Park vs Pembroke
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Soccer Game
Monday, 4/4 Away Softball/Baseball Game vs St Pauls
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Away Softball/Baseball Game
Reminder: There is a parent feedback link on our school website underneath the information tab. Please feel free to use this link to give ideas, suggestions and feedback for our school.
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Rescheduled Soccer game @ Pembroke Park on Thursday 3/31 vs St Pauls!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Soccer Game
Attention Parkton Families: We will have a home softball/baseball game against South Robeson on Wednesday 3/30 at 4:00. Come out and support our Bruins and don’t forget about concessions!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Softball/Baseball Game
Soccer Game at Northeast Park on Tuesday 3/29 vs Red Springs!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Soccer Game
Attention Parkton Families: We will have a home softball/baseball game against Littlefield on Monday 3/28 at 4:00. Come out and support our Bruins and don’t forget about concessions!
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Softball/Baseball Game
Soccer Game @ Pembroke Park
almost 3 years ago, Parkton Elementary School
Soccer Game