Don’t forget about our upcoming Kindergarten Registration! Click the link for more details! (
Parkton School students represented Parkton at the All County Band Event and UNCP’s Honor Band!
Congratulations to our soccer team!
Spring Picture Day Information
The baseball and softball schedule had to have some location corrections. Here are the correct schedules.
Staff Vs Student Basketball Game
Congrats to these students on their band accomplishments!
You’re Only Old Once / Oh the Places You Will Go!
Parkton students presented and attended a Black History Wax Museum today! Great job to all the performers!
Fox in Socks Day! Tomorrow you have a few options! You’re Only Old Once- Dress like a grandmother or grandfather! OR Oh the Places You’ll Go- Dress as a book character or in your favorite outfit!
Pre-K Registration will be on Friday, March 3rd, 2023 in the Pre-K Classroom at Parkton from 9:00am - 12:00pm. Please bring the following items with you: the student’s birth certificate, the student’s shot record, and a months worth of pay stubs for everyone that works in the house.
Cat in the Hat Day! Tomorrow is Fox in Socks Day - Wear Crazy Socks!
The Black History Wax Museum will be open for parents on Tuesday, February 28th from 10:30-12:30 in the Auditorium.
Friday, March 3rd, there will be no school for students due to the teacher workday.
Read Across America Week
Join us for our Family Engagement Night on Tuesday, February 21st at 5:30pm.
Join us in the auditorium!
Baseball/Softball and Soccer Schedules
Parkton staff got to enjoy hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch today! Thank you to Mrs. Dee and her husband Charles at Dansons in Fayetteville for the Pit Boss Grills and the Black Stone Griddles!
Beta Club Inductions
School spirited artwork!