See page 5 of the Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit for updated statewide requirements and recommendations.
Masks are required for all school staff and adult visitors, and all middle and high school students when they are or may be within 6 feet of another person, unless the person (or family member, for a student) states that an exception applies. Face coverings must be worn by students and staff inside school buildings, and anywhere on school grounds, including outside. They will also be required while traveling on buses or other transportation vehicles. Cloth face coverings remain strongly encouraged for elementary school students, if appropriate for that child, but are not required for them. Cloth face coverings should not be placed on:
- Anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious.
- Anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance.
- Anyone who cannot tolerate a cloth face covering due to developmental, medical or behavioral health needs.
- Any child under the age of 2
Schools are required to share information on the proper use of cloth face coverings.
Click here for more information on NCDHHS guidance on face coverings.