The English Learner Program of PSRC and the School of Education of UNCP are working coELlaboratively to host the First STEAM Day for English Learners at UNCP. During this activity, our English Learners and their parents will learn together through hands-on activities related to practical applications and real- world problem solving. After the session, students will be taking home learning activities to continue to practice and apply the acquired knowledge at home. This will allow our English Learners to connect the curriculum they are learning with the real world.
All English Learner students from the Public Schools of Robeson County are invited to enjoy a day of innovation and invention at the school of Education of UNCP on Saturday April 9, 2022 from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm. Light refreshments, STEAM learning packets, and other learning resources will be provided to participants in this first time event.
Speakers of Languages Other than English will be assisted by our bilingual staff members and community volunteers.
The school of education is located at 1 University Drive, Pembroke NC 28372.
For more information, contact your ESL teacher.