Tanglewood parents thank you for an amazing first day. I know it was a long day for those who rode a bus but the district is aware and are working with us to ensure that the routes are more efficient so that the students are not on the bus so long. Thank you for your continued support. Tanglewood is the best.
Monday, August 23, 2021 is the first day of school for the 2021-2022 school year. Please remember all students/staff must wear a face mask inside buildings. There will be NO breakfast served on the first day so please make sure students eat breakfast before arriving to school. Breakfast will begin on Tuesday. Please be patient with us the first few days of school as we work through getting students in and out of school safely. Let's make this school year the best yet.
Tanglewood Elementary has an opening for a 1st grade teacher. If you are looking for a dynamic teaching career please contact Tanglewood Elementary school at 910-671-6035.
Come meet Tanglewood's new Principal, Ms. Joyce Brown and Assistant Principal, Ms. Kayla Hunt on Sunday July 25th from 4pm-6pm in the cafeteria.
Please RSVP on the Google form: https://forms.gle/D7KQ8paZTGoiUCE69
If you have any questions, please call the school at 910-671-6035.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Good Afternoon! Our 2020-2021 school year is coming to an end and we want to thank you all again for your collaboration and patience.
On Tuesday, May 25th we will have some 3rd grade students taking the Read to Achieve test, so we will need to continue a testing atmosphere.
Thursday, May 27th we will dismiss at 1:00 PM, it is our last day of face-to-face instruction. Please be sure to have someone home for students getting off the bus 2 hours earlier and car riders will begin releasing at 1:00 PM. Please only sign students out if it is absolutely necessary this week, it is very disruptive to classrooms and we want to keep our regular schedules. Thank you
Good luck to our third graders who are testing this week. Do your very best! Students should get a good nights sleep and be here on time. We will have breakfast and then get started right away.
All other children are also working on assessment with their class and should be here everyday to be able to complete the work with their teachers. We have all been working very hard and need to continue during these last two weeks. Thank you for all of your support!
Device Returns for our Virtual Only students. During drop-off, students will receive work packets which will need to be returned for attendance and grading.
Friday, May 14th---3rd grade Chromebooks and charging cords
Drive thru (front entrance)
Devices should be charged.
Parents will need to wait for devices to be inspected.
Friday, May 21st--Grades K-2 iPads and charging cords
Drive thru (front entrance)
Devices should be charged.
Parents will need to wait for devices to be inspected.
Summer Learning and Enrichment Camps
The Public Schools of Robeson County will hold in-person Summer Learning and Enrichment Camps at each Elementary and Middle School across the district during the weeks of June 14-24 and July 6-29. Pre-K-8 students will be exposed to six weeks of Academics, Social-Emotional Learning, Arts, and Physical Education! Students will attend Monday-Thursday from 8:00-3:30. ALL PSRC students are eligible to participate.
Transportation, breakfast, and lunch will be provided. Students in grades Pre-K-2 will receive instruction in English Language Arts, Math, as well as Art, Music, and Physical Education. Students in grades 3-8 will receive instruction in English Language Arts, Math, Science, Art, Music, and Physical Education. All students will also have a physical activity period each day. Please complete the linked form to apply. All applicants will be contacted by a site coordinator the second week of June.
Good evening Tanglewood Families! All students coming to school face-to-face, must bring their i-pads and/or laptops to school Monday. They need to bring them with the charging cords that were given by the school when they checked them out. We will assess the devices and check them back in to the school. Students will now have an assignment sent home with them on Friday to be complete for attendance when they submit it on Monday's.
Tomorrow is HAT day. Hat's off to our Tanglewood Staff, we appreciate you all. Tuesday is Silly Sock day, Wednesday is Super Hero day, and Thursday is decorate your masks to show your personality.
Tanglewood Staff Appreciation Week
Spirit Week
May 3- May 7
Monday- Hats Off to You Tanglewood Staff!
Wear your favorite hat.
Tuesday- Hands Down your the Best Staff Around!
You knock our socks off!
Wear silly socks and show them off.
Wednesday- Our Staff are SUPER HEROES!
Wear your favorite superhero shirt.
Thursday- We Simply cannot Mask Our Gratitude for YOU !
Gratitude = Positive attitude.
Wear a mask that represents your positive personality.
Friday- You cover us with kindness and love!
Show your Tanglewood spirit by wearing your Tanglewood shirts.
Third Grade Math NC Check-in test is Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Please be sure your child has a good night sleep and is at school by the 8:00 tardy bell or earlier to have breakfast.
Progress Reports go home with all students on Thursday, April 29th.
Important Announcements:
1.) Bus route time changes have been made today. All morning riders will be at school by about 7:45 with these new times. Notes went home with children today for the morning changes and phone calls were made for the afternoon changes. All info was also sent on DOJO.
2.) Kindergarten drive-thru registration continues tomorrow 9:00 to 2:00 and 4:00 to 6:00. Please spread the word for students to enroll in school if they turn five years old before Aug. 31st.
3.) Third grade students will take the Math NC Check-In Tuesday, April 27th. Please have students here on time and ready to test.
Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year takes place this week at the main entrance drive-thru of Tanglewood Elementary, normally only for buses. If you have a child that will be five (5) before August 30th please come by eitherTuesday, April 20, Wednesday, April 21, or Thursday, April 22, anytime between 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM and then 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Please stay in your car when you drive up. We will need to make a copy of your child's birth certificate, social security card, and proof of address in our district, such as a utility bill and driver's license. You may come by and pick-up the packet and bring it back a following day if needed.
Thank you all for a great week last week. Students know the routine and are following safety protocols. Our car lane is moving along better day by day. Please be sure children are ready to depart before pulling up. They should be holding all materials, bookbags, jackets etc. Bus routes are going very well. Thank you again for your teamwork and patience.
Welcome back to all of our students this week. Families, please be patient as we will have double the amount of students being dropped off in the morning. Drop off begins at 7:35. Just a reminder to stay in your car, staff members will take temps and help students get to class.
Bus routes will be longer now. Check your DoJo this evening for new times for pick-up and drop-off. Students in Mayfair will be getting on at 6:15 am the route will end at Highland around 7:25 then return to school. Students in town will begin to be picked up after 7:30 starting with 26th Street to Carthage Rd. and pick-up closer to the mall and school around 8:15 to 8:30. Again, please be patient as we make adjustments. Thank you
Spring Break is here, April 4th to 9th no school. All students return April 12th. Bus routes will be starting earlier by 15 minutes. Please be ready and be patient as we will be picking up both A and B week students.
Relax, stay healthy and safe. When we return we will work hard for our last seven weeks of school.
PSRC- Please complete TODAY.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 (second notice)
A digital copy of the Internet Acceptable Use Form for every student must be submitted by April 1, 2021. Parents and Guardians can locate links to both English and Spanish versions in their students email account.
PSRC has decided that all students PreK-8th grade return starting Monday, April 12, 2021, Monday thru Thursday and work remotely on Fridays. Plan A instated by Governor Cooper.
This week March 29-April 2 will only be A week students.
Students working full time virtually may continue logging on LIVE from home via Google Meet and doing work in Google Classroom (K-2) or Canvas (3rd) with their child’s classroom schedule.
If full time virtual students decide to return to the school campus, they may do so but should contact their child’s teacher ASAP, by April 12.
If students attending on either A or B weeks decide to change to full time virtual learning, they may but must let teachers know ASAP, by April 12.
Starting April 12, students will be marked absent if they do not come to school in-person, unless they are FULLY virtual. There is not a part-time virtual option.
Your patience is greatly appreciated as we transition to Plan A. We have everyone’s safety in mind in everything we do.
Arrival and Dismissal will continue to be by bus, van, and/or car. No parking or walking children up please, and parents should stay in their vehicles.
Families should expect longer wait times at arrival and dismissal in the car lane.
Bus routes will be longer too as we combine the A and B week routes. Most times will vary by 20 minutes. We will contact you if your time will be much earlier or later.
We are excited to have all students together again.
Good afternoon families. An email was sent to each of your children's email address's this morning and must be completed by an adult in order for your child to continue having internet access. Please fill-out the Internet Use Contract for each of your children before April 1st. Thank you.
Tanglewood Families, due to potential severe weather conditions tomorrow, March 18, the Public Schools of Robeson County will operate on a remote-learning schedule. There will not be live meets for students. All students should work on Google Classroom and Canvas assignments. Friday, March 19 meals can be picked up from 10-12 in the back car pick-up area. Please be careful and stay safe. We will see B week students on Monday, March 22nd.