Gabriela Gonzalez, a multilingual learner at St. Pauls High School has been nominated for academic recognition as a delegate representing St. Pauls High School and the State of North Carolina at the Congress of Future Medical Leaders to be held June 26 to June 28, 2024, in Boston, Massachusetts.
The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is a highly selective national program honoring academically superior high school students dedicated to serving humanity through medicine.
The PSRC Multilingual Program will support Gabriela's efforts to attend the congress as we understand the impact of her goal and career dream as a future veterinarian which she shared this year during our March ML Family Engagement Night and less than a year after, she has been nominated for the Congress as a proof that dreams come true.
Surely, her leadership potential will be enriched by interacting with renowned experts in the Science field and other students with the same potential who have also been invited to attend.