Good morning, On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, in the afternoon, Bus 319 will not have a bus driver. Bus 67 and Bus 433 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student, please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.
Correction: Students that ride bus 433 will need to be at their bus stops 10 minutes earlier, beginning tomorrow, Thursday, November 7th. The bus will leave campus at 6:30 AM.
Good morning, students that ride bus 433 will need to be at their bus stops 10 minutes earlier, beginning tomorrow, Thursday, November 7th. The bus will leave campus at 6:30 AM.
Good morning! We have GREAT news! Bus 433 will return to a normal schedule on Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024. Please have students out at their regular time.
Good Afternoon, Bus 433 will have a bus driver Monday, Nov. 4th and Tuesday, Nov. 5th.
Greetings, There will be a driver on bus 433 on Wednesday, October 30, and Thursday, October 31. There will not be a driver for bus 67 on Thursday, October 31. Bus 433 and 319 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student(s), please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic
Good Afternoon, Bus 433 will not have a bus driver on Monday, October 28th, and Tuesday, October 29th. Bus 67 and 319 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student(s), please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.
Please remember to wear red tomorrow for Red Ribbon Week!
Good Afternoon, Buss 433 will not have bus driver tomorrow, Wednesday, October 23rd or Thursday, October 24th. Bus 67 and 319 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student(s), please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.
Good Afternoon, Bus 433 will have a bus driver for Monday, October 21st, and Tuesday, October 22nd. NC Check-Ins Test #1 for grades 3-5, will be conducted this week Monday, October 21st through Thursday, October 24th. Remember that October 25th is a teacher workday and no school will be for students.
Please join us for Fall Festival on October 24, 2024. For more information, call our front office at 9108435298.
Good Morning, Bus 433 will have a bus driver on Wednesday, October 16th and Thursday, October 17th.
Good Evening, Bus 433 will not have a bus driver for Tuesday, October 15th and Friday, October 18th, 2024. Bus 67 and 319 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student(s), please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.
Reminder: Tomorrow is Picture Day! Tomorrow is also test day for eligible 4th graders!
Correction: Good Morning, Bus 433 will not have a bus driver for Wednesday, October 9, 2024 and Thursday, October 10, 2024. Bus 67 and 319 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student(s), please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.
Correction: Good Morning, Bus 433 will not have a bus driver for Wednesday, October 9, 2024 and Thursday, October 10, 2024. Bus 67 and 319 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student(s), please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.
Good Afternoon, Bus 433 will have a bus driver Monday, October 7th, Tuesday, October 8th, and Friday, October 11th.
Good Morning, Bus 433 will not have a bus driver for Friday, October 4, 2024. Bus 67 and 319 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student(s), please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.
Good Morning,
Bus 433 will have a bus driver Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 and Thursday, October 3rd, 2024.
Good Afternoon,
Bus 319 will run on regular schedule Monday, September 30, 2024. Bus 433 will not have a bus driver for Monday, September 30, 2024 or Tuesday, October 1, 2024 bus 67 and 319 will run these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student(s), please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.
Good Afternoon,
We will not have a driver for Bus 433 on Wednesday, September 25th and Thursday, September 26th. Bus 67 will drive these routes. If possible, please provide transportation for your student(s). If you plan on picking up your student, please wait until 3:10 pm to avoid car rider traffic.