PSRC’s Federal Programs Department held its Annual Title 1 Spring Planning Meeting for families and stakeholders yesterday.
Each year this meeting is held to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the district’s Parent and Family Policies and School-Parent Compact. The meeting also is held to identify barriers to involvement.
Attendees received an overview of federal programs and unpacked each requirement under Title 1 Part A such as the Parents' Right to Know (the ability for parents to request professional qualifications of their child’s educators).
"This meeting was significant in solidifying two-way collaboration with families and the community. It's imperative that we continue to build this partnership because studies show that the two sides can work together to build a relationship and create an optimal learning environment, both at home and at school,” said PSRC Family Engagement Specialist Brendalyn Thompson.
In case you missed it, you can click this link to access meeting information.
Please click the links provided below to review the policy in the language that best suits you.
English-Parent and Family Engagement Policy Review
Espanol- Revisión del plan de participación de padres y familias
Haitian Creole- Tit 1 Revizyon Règleman sou Patisipasyon Paran ak Fanmi
Arabic - العنوان 1 مراجعة سياسة إشراك الوالدين والأسرة
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact the Family Engagement Specialist, Brendalyn Thompson at or 910-671-6000 ext. 3560.