Students who had the highest points gained in Math, English, and Reading through ACT Apex Tutorials were presented certificates and prizes Monday for their achievements! Students at high schools across the district who took the Apex ACT High School Challenge were eligible for prizes as an incentive to prepare for ACT exams through Apex Tutorials.
🏆 Lumberton Senior High School had the highest overall percentage of gains achieved! The school was recognized and awarded the ACT Tutorials Trophy, along with a basket of gifts and prizes for selected teachers! 🏆
Below are the student winners and their teachers!
🏆 Lumberton Sr. High School Winners 🏆
Courtney Bellamy (ACT English Student)
Logan Nunez (ACT Reading Student)
Lindsay Rogers (Teacher)
🏅 PSRC Early College Winners 🏅
Aidden Wilkerson (ACT English Student)
Crystal Scarlett (Teacher)
🏅 Purnell Swett High School Winners 🏅
Haylie Locklear (ACT English Student)
Jaslan Thompson (ACT Math Student)
Jayvan Lovette (ACT Reading Student)
Carol Cummings (Teacher)
🏅 Red Springs High School Winners 🏅
Landen Oxendine (ACT English Student)
Steven Smith (ACT Math Student)
Alejandro Yanez Diaz (ACT Reading Student)
Barbara McInnis (Teacher)
🏅 St. Pauls High School Winners 🏅
Jose Aguilar-Hernandez (ACT Math)
Cesar Olguin (ACT Reading)
Edward Reed (Teacher)