Dear incoming and current high school students and families,
It is our pleasure to offer you this high school registration document to guide each student in achieving academic excellence. Every effort has been made to organize the registration document to promote options for you immediately following high school whether it be the workforce, military service, a two-year college, a technical school, or a four-year university. Please study the information carefully and include your parents/guardians, counselors, and teachers in the planning process. I encourage you to give serious consideration to align your goals as registration is a commitment to take courses for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.
Our high school curriculum prepares students for the 21st century and efforts are made to provide increased rigor and relevance in each course. There are times when schedule changes are warranted and these changes should be made according to course sequences, requirements needed for graduation, or academic misplacement. Students generally receive class schedules prior to the beginning of the school year at an open house. Do not hesitate to contact the school staff and school counselors regarding this process.
Ultimately, the first step prior to achieving your goals is to acquire a high school diploma. I sincerely hope your high school career in the Public Schools of Robeson County will be challenging and productive and will sustain your goals of lifetime learning.
With Warmest Regard,
Dr. Freddie Williamson, Superintendent
Public Schools of Robeson County