Chloe Hammonds

LUMBERTON — A Lumberton High School student has been selected to serve on the state Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council.

Chloe Hammonds has been selected to serve as a 2022-2023 SSAC Junior Member for the Region 4 Sandhills area.

Hammonds is the daughter of Adrian and Cynthia Hammonds. 

“The two-year appointment to the SSAC provides student advisors the opportunity to meet twice per month to discuss education issues affecting students, advocate on behalf of their peers and ultimately advise decision makers in state public education,” according to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s website. 

Students have the ability to work together to highlight issues or provide ideas to NC education leaders in their advisor roles. 

“During their service, student advisors will develop two proposals for the state Superintendent’s Office and the State Board of Education to address issues that the students would like to see changed, either through policy or legislation,” the website states.

Chloe desires to address the disparity of school funding in her role on the Advisory Council, she said. 

 “I would like to see new schools built in Robeson County,” she added.

The student advisors also seek to address mental health issues by advocating for more school counselors and support staff at schools. 

Chloe’s mother, Cynthia Hammonds, said she and her husband are proud of her daughter’s recognition.

“Every good and perfect gift comes from God,” Cynthia Hammonds said. “Our prayer is for Chloe to continue to encourage, motivate and help others with the gifts and talents she has been given.”

NC Superintendent Catherine Truitt released a statement about the importance of adding student voices to decision-making. 

“K-12 education is about preparing students for the real world and life after high school,” Truitt said. “I believe it’s important that students have a seat at the table when discussing their lives and education. I’m so grateful to have such engaged and motivated students making up the Student Advisory Council and can’t wait to get to work!” 

PSRC Superintendent Dr. Freddie Williamson shared congratulatory remarks for Hammonds, whose work on the advisory board has the potential to affect change for her peers.

“We are very proud of Chloe for her selection to take part in this distinguished role as a member of Superintendent Truitt’s Student Advisory Council,” Williamson said. 

“Our students are leaders and changemakers and they deserve to be given opportunities such as this to display their bright ideas and make a positive impact in the lives of students across the state, including their peers. We are excited about the experience this will equip Chloe with and we cannot wait to hear all about her success in the role,” he added.