Return to School

*Important Information – Please Read!*

Good Afternoon PSRC,

As we prepare for the return of students and staff on Monday, January 3, 2022, we are providing you with a list of important reminders: •If students or any household member is COVID-19 positive or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please stay at home. •Custodial staff will be sanitizing buildings on a daily basis. •We will maintain as much physical distancing as possible in the classrooms and will maintain physical distancing of six feet apart in other areas. •We will continue with requiring masks to be worn in the school building and on buses. Masking wearing will be optional outdoors.

NCDHHS has updated the StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit isolation and quarantine guidance to align with updated guidance from Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, which outlines what individuals should do if they contract or are exposed to COVID-19 to help slow the spread to others.  The updated guidance changes how long and under what conditions staff and students need to be excluded from school because they have tested positive for or been exposed to COVID-19 (isolation and quarantine).

  • Staff and students who have symptoms, regardless of vaccination status should – get tested and isolate from others while waiting for a result. If testing is not possible, follow the guidance below as if the person is positive.
  • Isolation: Staff and students who test positive, regardless of vaccination status, and
    • Do not have symptoms – should isolate from others for 5 days, then wear a mask for 5 additional days.
    • Have symptoms – should isolate from others until fever-free and symptoms are improving. Individuals should isolate for at least 5 days since symptoms began and then wear a mask for 5 additional days.
  • Quarantine: Staff and students who are exposed to someone with COVID-19, and
    • Not vaccinated – stay away from others for 5 days, get tested on day 5 after exposure, and if they test negative, return to school while wearing a mask for 5 additional days.
    • Vaccinated and eligible for a booster, but not yet been boosted – stay away from others for 5 days, get tested on day 5 after exposure, and if they test negative, return to school while wearing a mask for 5 additional days.
    • Vaccinated, and have either received a booster or are not yet eligible for a booster – individuals do not need to stay away from others, but should wear a mask for 10 days.
  • StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit guidance that remains unchanged includes:
    • Individuals who are not fully vaccinated after close contact in a classroom or other school setting if masks were being worn appropriately and consistently by both the person with COVID-19 and the potentially exposed person do NOT need to quarantine.

We know the holiday break COVID-19 spike is a few weeks away, therefore, we will constantly monitor situations in our school district on a case-by-case basis. Now more than ever, we must follow the three W's: Wash, Wait, and Wear.

We hope you all have a Happy and Safe New Year! We can’t wait to see our students!