Beta Club Convention

On January 28-29, 2022, twenty-three students from Robeson Early College High School attended the state Beta Convention in Greensboro, NC. These students competed with other Beta members across the state and in various areas of competition, ranging from academics to visual arts. Placing top five in any competition guarantees a student the chance to compete this summer at the national level in Nashville, TN. These are the students who placed: 2nd place Painting--Cierra J.; 3rd place Poetry--Jaiden M.; 5th place Spanish Academic Test--Jessica P.; 5th place Performing Arts Group--Ky'Aisa R., Malaeya G., Jaimya E., Kira L., Amariana S.; 2nd place Robotics--Hannah S., Allan I., Benjamin G., Ana H. Azucena M., and Elizabeth O. We are so proud of all who participated. They all worked hard! Go Eagles!