Lisa Troy

Welcome to W. H. Knuckles Elementary School for the 2018-2019 school year! It is with a great sense of “Eagle Pride” that our faculty, staff and administration serve a community that is dedicated and committed to the education of ALL children. Our goal is to create a unified effort that maximizes the potential of each of our students and provides them with the educational opportunities, knowledge, skills and attitudes that will make them successful today, tomorrow and beyond. Maintaining high standards of excellence helps us to achieve these goals and meet the needs of ALL students in an appropriate and challenging learning environment.

We must work together to achieve that mission. We believe that parents are our partners in the education of our children. Cooperation and communication between the school and home play a major role in your child’s success. We desire your support and involvement as we work together to provide a caring, safe environment where our students experience academic, social and emotional success.

Our school-wide theme this year will be: Soaring to Success! We expect our students to come to school each day prepared to participate in learning, follow school rules and contribute to the learning environment. The W. H. Knuckles Elementary family is committed to providing the very best educational opportunities for ALL of our students. Our parent/student handbook and the school website are designed to inform you of our school rules, regulations and procedures.I hope that you will read and study both items, and use them as guides to assist you during the school year.We will update the site regularly so you will be aware of school happenings and opportunities for you to participate.Please feel free to call, email or stop by and visit. We are looking forward to an outstanding year with you and your child at W. H. Knuckles Elementary School!

Lisa Troy
