School Improvement Plan
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School Improvement Plan The school improvement plan, commonly called a SIP plan, is contained in a Microsoft Excel file. After you download the file from the link above, you can view the various components by clicking on the tabs across the bottom of the Excel file. School improvement team members meet over the summer and then frequently during the early fall to review data and set high priority goals that are in line with goals set by the State Board of Education and the Public Schools of Robeson County. The plan is adopted by the faculty by secret ballot before being forwarded to the district for review. After the Board of Education of the Public Schools of Robeson County approves the school improvement plan, a copy of the plan is made public on the school's website. At Purnell Swett High School, all faculty and staff are provided a copy of the SIP Plan Summary to post in their classrooms and offices, The Summary outlines our high-priority goals, strategies, and action steps. The school improvement plan includes a variety of components: The State Board of Education GoalsThe Public Schools of Robeson County District GoalsSuggested sources of data for the team to analyze and monitorThe school's mission and vision statementsA chart of the school's testing dataA summary analysis of the school's dataThe school's improvement goals, strategies, and action stepsThe school's ACT/SAT planThe Safe Schools PlanA summary pageFour monitoring instruments that are completed over the course of the year